
First Week

Hey all, time for an update!

I've been thinking that I'm going to try to post an update at very least once every week with photos of any cool school projects or other random things from my life. I know that if I don't set the time for it aside, I won't post another update until sometime late December.

So, I'll get right to it since I'm kind of busy. This semester I'm taking three classes at Ferris and two at GRCC, so I'm downtown Tuesday through Thursday. My Ferris classes consist of DAGD 335 - Animation III, DAGD 380 - Digital Sculpting (ZBrush), and DAGD 225 - Programming 1. So far I'm enjoying them! Though, as of yet I don't have any presentable pics of any projects yet. Unless catastrophe strikes, that will change in next weeks update.
Admittedly, however, I'm not big into programming. It isn't bad yet, and I'm hoping that I'm not drowning in code by the end of the semester.
So. That's Ferris. At GRCC I'm taking a straight up Trigonometry class and a General Psychology class. Trig won't be bad since I'm only taking it because I need to and not because I need to learn it (I went well past Trig in high school.) Psychology is really interesting, but simultaneously, highly sleep inducing (at times.) Our teacher is cool, but a little bit older and talks rather slowly/deliberately... though he has a knack for raising his voice just as one begins to nod.

School work aside, this weekend was a holiday! Though, to be honest I didn't even know until like Saturday. That's how I roll.

Speaking of Saturday, I went into Grand Rapids with a friend of mine and shot some photos to add to my ever growing collection. Here is a sample:

Then, obviously, there was Labor Day. I ended up abandoning my homework and running off with my girlfriend and her family to picnic in Townsend Park for the afternoon. Here's a picture of me being brilliant:

Well that pretty much concludes last week. Stay tuned!


  1. What a delightful pair of pictures!

  2. Hah. I didn't know it was a holiday until Sunday afternoon.
    The pictures are great! :D
    And I look foreword to seeing school updates, because I never seem to be able to see your work unless you post it online…
