
Dark Marble 2.0 Layout

So, for the last week or so I've been spending a lot of time setting up the foundations of my new Dark Marble website. Now that I have a good base to build off of in Flash, I've decided to finalize the actual layout/design of the website. It has been a bit of a hassle (because I couldn't decide what resolution at which I wanted to build it and kept changing my mind) but I'm pretty pleased with the results so far.

Obviously, there will be more to it than these sample pages, but this should give a pretty good idea of what the final product will look like.

The layout design for the home page:

The layout design for the portfolio page:

The layout design for the origin page:

The layout design for the downloads page:

The layout design for the resume page:

The layout design for the contact page:

As happy as I am with how DM2 is turning out, I still have oodles of work to do. I need to get together all the items for my portfolio, put together a resume, put together a demo reel, organize my downloadable assets and put together a tutorial. (No, I haven't actually done one yet, but I know what I'm going to do for it and I'd like to do more in the future.)

That's all for now! Hopefully I'll have another update soon.

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